
Friday, November 16, 2007


As your marriage matures, it can be difficult to feel romantic about your partner. After many years together, you know all of his or her habits – both good and bad. Living with the same person for so many years can grow comfortable and cozy, but that cozy feeling can also feel a bit stifling.

Try these four tips for fanning the flames of your romance:

1. Transform Dinner into Dining: Cooking dinner for your partner night after night can end up being a daily grind. This week, choose on evening to prepare a romantic meal. Shop for special groceries, and prepare a luxurious meal. Use the dishes you usually reserve for holidays or special occasions, put flowers and candles on the table. Make dinner an elegant affair – bring back the romance.

2. Dance the Night Away – Take your partner out (or in) for an evening of dancing. You remember dancing – that fun activity you enjoyed when you were dating? It allows you a relaxing evening spent in close physical proximity with your partner. Can you think of a better way to rekindle romance? Get all dressed up and go out for a night on the town. Dancing is good for the soul, and it just might be what your relationship needs!

3. Make Time to Touch – Do you remember how often you and your partner touched when you were dating? Take time each day to include small touches. Rub your partners back. Hold his or her hands. Gently massage their neck if they look tense. These little touches can do wonders to show your love and affection – be sure to include them.

4. Send Love with Lunch – Order lunch to be delivered to your partner at work. Pay the bill over the phone, and ask that it be delivered anonymously with a note stating it is from “your secret admirer”. When your partner tells you about this gift, simply smile mysteriously.Use these four romantic tips to add a little romance to your marriage this week. After all, you’ve spent a lifetime investing love into this relationship – you don’t want to let it fizzle out. Remind your partner why you’re together all over again by adding some romance to your relationship today. Take the time to prepare a special surprise – it’s quick and easy to add some romance to your day-to-day life. Have fun and be romantic with your partner today. Take the time to show your loved one how much you care.

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